The Limbic System of the Brain – How does It Affect PTSD?

The Back on Track method works on the sub-conscience of those who suffer from PTSD, since the that is where our traumas are stored and 80% of our decisions are made. This small part of the brain, called the Limbic System, does not understand verbal communication. That is why the Back on Track system works via visualization, since our sub-conscience that resides in the limbic system understands pictures rather than words. It is important to understand how the human brain works in order to understand why the Back on Track system has been very successful.

The human brain is organize as a “mental society”, which means that alongside the verbal system there are several “mental units” that can exist, can have memories, values and emotions. All of these can be expressed through various responses. The eerie thing about this process is that these systems may not be in touch with the verbal system at all. They have their own existence outside the areas of our brain that are responsible for our language and logic.

The limbic system of the brain is one of these mental units, where the emotional centre (amygdala) is located, and the hippocampus is. The hippocampus plays an essential role in the formation of new memories about past experiences. Our limbic system supports several functions, such as long-term memory, behaviour, motivation and emotions. When a trauma occurs at any stage of our life, the picture of what happened and the fear are stored in the limbic system, where all our traumas are stored and 80% of our decisions are made. When a similar event happens, the intense “fight/flight” response is instantaneously provoked, and it bypasses the normal recording of events. It stores a potentially dangerous information in the limbic system.

The limbic system does not have lineal time. There is no clock there to let us know that a traumatic event occurred many years ago. Childhood beliefs that were formed decades ago about being unloved, dumb or useless are lodged deep in the sub-conscience mind and because 80% of our decisions are made in the sub-conscience, they affect us many years later.  Stress is not caused by external circumstances, but by the way we interpret the circumstances.

The Back on Track process works on the limbic system by visualization. When we change the picture in our mind, we change our response to the situation and our belief that interpret the situation as stressful. This process is helping us to change our mind and keep the change.

Back on Track offers one free session, in which these matters can be discussed further and assessment can be done about what needs to be done further. A free session can be booked on the website,, or by phone 0402 590 963.